days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

COVID-19 Reporting Requirements

With the growing number of members contracting COVID-19, we would like to remind you of the reporting requirements.

If You Get Sick
In the absence of flight notifications from the government and contact tracing, many of our members have been robbed of their right to know about workplace exposure.

If you suspect that you have COVID-19 and use the antigen tests provided by the Company or your provincial government, it is still a requirement that you take a PCR test. The confirmation results of your PCR test in email format or text and the accompanying provincial requirement are the documents that you are required to forward on to WCB/WSIB/CENNST and WIP.  The more documentation you have the better it is to ensure a seamless application process for loss wages.

Please remember if you have been at work and are uncertain of your point of contact, you must apply to both your provincial Workers Compensation Board and the WIP plan. You also must indicate when booking that it is a COVID-19 illness. If you book off mid cycle and test positive please follow the same procedure.

Please remember to indicate when booking off if you suspect contact at work as the employer will need to contact you and go over some questions as a formality.

The Union’s bulletin on reporting can be consulted HERE, and the FAQ document on reporting can be consulted HERE.


1) If you have been working, it is important to document illness using an injury/illness e-report (see instructions in bulletins linked above to access the SIMS reporting system). Ensure to document any ways you could have contracted the virus while at work to the best of your abilities including general and specific.

2) Book off stating injury on duty.

3) Consult your Union Local for assistance filing workers compensation.

4) WIP disability insurance is available for those who fall ill and do not file for workers compensation. See > Resources > WIP

You can reach out to the Union at any time.

In solidarity,

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