days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

COVID-19 Update – Mask Policy Follow-Up

Further to the Union’s Health and Safety Update issued on June 17th (click HERE to view it), we would like to clarify the following:

Procedures for respiratory PPE when cabin crew enter the flight deck, and flight crew exit the flight deck:

  • Cabin crew must have respiratory PPE on when they enter the flight deck.
  • Flight deck crew will don respiratory PPE prior to cabin crew entering the flight deck.
  • Flight deck crew will don respiratory PPE before exiting the flight deck to use the washroom etc.
  • Transport Canada currently allows flight crews to choose not to wear a face covering while in the flight deck alone or together.

The Union encourages all its members to keep the one-crew concept in mind when discussing this onboard amongst themselves and with their flight ops colleagues. It may be of use to know that the company policies were clearly communicated to Flight Crew on June 16th in bulletin INFO 20-129, and to Cabin Crew on April 17th in the bulletin titled Mandatory Face Coverings: Your questions answered (point 22).

Confused about the different types of masks? We have created the following table to assist:

In Solidarity,

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