We were informed a short while ago that the employer will be changing their contact tracing decision tree questions. While Air Canada continues to recognize that disclosure of vaccination status is voluntary, one of the first question you will be asked by the contact tracer is whether you have been fully vaccinated. Our understanding is that those who indicate that they are fully vaccinated will be identified to “self-monitor” and will continue flying.
Air Canada’s COVID vaccination policy states that: “In order for the employer to assess future biosafety measures, all employees who are coming into the workplace are encouraged to notify Air Canada of their Vaccination status.” Your Union recognizes the important role that vaccination plays in protecting the health and safety of Canadians, and in returning to the new normal. However, we also recognize the sanctity of medical privacy. At this time, a mandatory vaccination policy has not been adopted by our employer, and any disclosure regarding vaccination continues to be voluntary. We recognize the sensitivity of this topic, and we will continue to support our membership while ensuring Health and Safety remains at the forefront. The purpose of this brief bulletin is to clarify the current employer policy on disclosure of vaccination status. Click HERE for a link to the Policy. |
REMINDER – LivingWorks ASIST Suicide Intervention Workshops
!!! IMPORTANT NOTE !!! If you are not YVR-based, workshops will be announced shortly for YYZ and YUL. As part of our work to further