days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Crew Rest Unit (CRU) Failure

The Union and the Company have come to a resolution in regard to the location of the Crew Rest Unit Failure Report (ACF623B). Please click HERE to view the previous bulletin issued regarding Crew Rest Unit Failure Report (623B).
The Crew Rest Committee is pleased to provide the membership with the following bulletin outlining the procedures in the event of a Crew Rest Unit (CRU) failure.
B787 and B777 aircraft have been equipped with a crew rest unit.  Should there be a failure of the CRU on long range flights (LOU18, LOU22A/B), there are procedures and provisions outlined in our Collective Agreement.
If there is a CRU failure prior to departure, J class seats will be reserved for onboard crew rest.  The failure of the unit must be signed off by the Service Director (SD) and maintenance and be reported to the Captain.
If there is a CRU failure during the flight, crew members will be permitted to take their rest in crew seats or the “last sold seats” (if available).  The failure of the unit must be signed off by the Service Director, Maintenance, and reported to the Captain.
When there is a CRU failure the Service Director should:

  1. Inform the Captain immediately and request that contact be made to maintenance
  2. Make an entry into the Cabin Defect Log
  3. Complete the Crew Rest Unit Failure Report (ACF623B)
  4. Provide details on the In-Flight Service Report (ACF623A)

The ACF623B can be found in the briefing package on Globe (select CRU Failure Report located under additional documents tab), Crew Centres, and Local Union Offices.  ACF623A can be found in the flight satchel and Crew Centres.  Please find attached two PDF files outlining the procedures for CRU failures: one for LOU18 and one for LOU22A/B.
Should there be issues in regard to the CRU, crew bunk kits etc. on B5 (that meet the conditions of L28) and B14 flights, we encourage members to fill out both the CRU Failure Report and In-Flight Service Report (retain copies) and to contact their Local.
In Solidarity,
Component Crew Rest Committee

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