days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Delegates to the 2021 Airline Division Convention and CUPE National Convention

The Air Canada Component has completed the “Call for Nomination” process for the 2021 Airline Division Convention and CUPE National Convention.

The following delegate will be attending on behalf of Local 4095 (YYC):

Nicola Schnell


Local 4092 (YYZ), has two available delegate spots and three members submitted nomination papers, therefore an election will be required.  Details regarding the election will be sent to Local 4092 members shortly.  The three members running for the two available Local 4092 (YYZ) delegate positions are:

Michelle Duhaney
Da Hyen (David) Lee
Marc Roumy

In solidarity,

Your Component Tabulating Committee

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