days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Dispute Resolved – Settlement on B2.10 (CHQ-16-17)

Policy grievance CHQ-16-17 was filed due to an ongoing dispute with regards to the interpretation and application of the negotiated language of B2.10 (from the 2015 bargaining session).
B2.10 A duty period which contains a flight leg which is scheduled to depart between 21:00 and 02:00 local time, will not contain more than two (2) flight legs. This shall apply to both reserve and regular blockholders. The Company will endeavor to secure an appropriate rest area at all Canadian stations for any pairing that falls within the above parameters.
Note: For blocking purposes, the PBS committee will identify any pairing that falls within the above description and will work with the Company to rework these pairings.
The Union is happy to announce that the parties (The “Union” and “Air Canada”) have agreed to resolve the grievance (without prejudice to the parties’ positions on the issues raised in the Grievance, and without precedent to any other matter) by replacing the first sentence of the current language of Article B2.10 with the following NEW language:
B2.10 A duty period which is scheduled to end after 03:00 local arrival time and
i. contains flight legs which are scheduled to depart on two (2) different calendar days, or,
ii. has a leg that operates through any portion of the 00:01 to 04:30 timeframe will not contain more than two (2) flight legs.
This shall apply to both reserve and regular blockholders. The Company will endeavor to secure an appropriate rest area at all Canadian stations for any pairing that falls within the above parameters.
Note: For blocking purposes, the PBS committee will identify any pairing that falls within the above description and will work with the Company to rework these pairings.

For clarity:

  • Even if a duty period contains a DH leg, it shall count as a “leg” for the purposes of this article;
  • B2.10 shall apply to ALL duty periods in ANY length of pairing and is NOT restricted to single duty day pairings;
  • Shall apply to pairing construction and day of flight scheduling for both regular block holders and reserve blockholders
  • Not applicable if the third leg results from a diversion.

Click HERE to view the Memorandum of Settlement signed between the parties for all terms agreed upon.
Click HERE to view Air Canada’s internal Crew Scheduling Bulletin for examples.
In solidarity,
Marie-Hélène Major
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

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