days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Drafting Protocol: booking back on from illness or injury

Dear Members,
As the busy holiday season is upon us, we wanted to reiterate the drafting protocol at both mainline and Rouge when you are booking back on from illness or injury.
When you call to book back on, this call is a separate and distinct call. The company is not in a position to draft you.  The company must make contact with you in a subsequent call.  You cannot be drafted while on the phone booking back on.
Draft can only take place in accordance with Article B9 for mainline and Article L55.14.12 for Rouge.
If you have any concerns, or have had a scheduler attempt to draft you when you have called to book back on from injury or illness, please contact your Local with specifics so they can investigate.
Your Component Executive wishes each and every one of you a safe and enjoyable holiday season!

In solidarity,

Air Canada Component of CUPE

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