days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Employee Assistance Program


Cabin Crew – Peer Assistance Program

NOTE: The program is now supporting both Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge

The Employee Assistance program represents an effort by CUPE and Air Canada to provide an effective means of help to any employee experiencing difficulties in their life, whether or not those difficulties are interfering with the employee’s work performance. This program is a joint venture, supported by both union and management, in which the employee’s personal welfare is a priority issue. The CUPE Employee Assistance Program consists of: Peer Referral Coordinators and Homewood Health Professional Counselors. This program is strictly confidential.

People with Problems Need Services

Everyone faces personal problems from time to time. Often these problems are only temporary and are resolved by you, or with the assistance of family and friends. Sometimes, however, they are serious enough to require professional help, and may, in the absence of such assistance, cause severe personal distress. When these concerns are not addressed, your work performance may be affected and your job security threatened. When troubled individuals go to work, their problems go with them. They manifest themselves in mistakes, preoccupation, reduced productivity and increased absenteeism. The consequences are often traumatic. Air Canada Component of CUPE has initiated an on-site confidential referral program using referral agents to help troubled employees through difficult times by helping them to reach needed professional services promptly.

Services Are Available But Difficult To Reach

In Canada, there are presently hundreds of organizations providing in excess of 300 different kinds of service, and new organizations and services are being developed all the time in response to individual needs. Therefore, if a person has a problem, there is probably a resource available in the community to help alleviate or resolve it. As the number of services has increased, so has the complexity of the system. Employees are often baffled as to where to go and frustrated and demoralized by going door-to door trying to find their way through the labyrinth. Even well informed and well-intentioned persons to whom people turn for help – doctors, lawyers, clergy, politicians, and agency personnel – are often unsure where appropriate help may be obtained.

EAP Connects People and Services

The Employee Assistance Program has been developed partly in response to the needs of troubled employees who may be unaware of services available to them or unsure how to reach them. It aims to quickly and simply link people with appropriate sources of assistance.


Q: Where can I locate an EAP – Peer Assistance Office?

A: At the moment, the EAP Committee has 3 offices; Montreal – Toronto – Vancouver

Q: Do we have Professional Counselors available to us?

A: To complement our Peer Program, we have chosen Homewood Health, an experienced Employee and Family Assistance Provider (EFAP). They will be available to you and your immediate family for short-term solution focused counseling. To reach Homewood Health please call 1-800-663-1142 (English), 1-866-398-9505 (French) or for International calls, please call collect 1-604-689-1717. You may also go to the website at for more information, and to access numerous tools, such as:


Homewood Health provides two options for secure and private online counselling. Private Conversations e-Counselling (email-type counselling) provides the opportunity to communicate with a counsellor via confidential exchanges, similar to email exchanges. Chat e-Counselling (simultaneous chat) allows for “real time”, one-on-one interaction with a counsellor in a private online chat room environment. If you are interested in getting started, you must first complete your registration on our Member Services area by registering here:

Visit their website at to sign in and register.

Company Name: Air Canada

Invitation Code: ACC481

Health and Wellness Companion

The Health and Wellness Companion is a comprehensive self-guided, self-development program that is designed to provide you with a personal plan of action. By participating in a series of Health Risk Assessments you will have the opportunity to: evaluate your health, get a better understanding of your health risk factors, and create a personal health improvement program.

Health Library

The Health Library is a comprehensive library of articles and other resources written by qualified experts in their subject field. It includes information designed to improve health and wellness, and assists individuals in improving their personal and work-life balance.

Childcare/Eldercare Resource Locators

Childcare and Eldercare locators provide information about personal and family care providers in Canada, allowing for a customized search for childcare or eldercare resources. This service can be used to generate customized online reports with in-depth service descriptions, and provides instant access to quality checklists, financial aid information, advice, and more.

Interactive e-Learning Courses

Homewood Health™ e-Learning provides self-paced, private, and personalized learning experiences designed to improve personal health and well-being and/or workplace effectiveness. A variety of courses are available, focusing on health and wellness and a wide range of life skills. Current courses include, for employees, family members and eligible dependants:

  • Responsible Optimism
  • Embracing Workplace Change
  • Resolving Conflict in Intimate Relationships
  • Taking Control of Alcohol Use
  • Resilience
  • Respect In The Workplace
  • Preparing For Your Retirement
  • Taking Control of Stress
  • Taking Control Of Your Career
  • Taking Control of Job Loss and Transition
  • Taking Control of Anger
  • Taking Control of Your Money
  • Stop Smoking: Get Your Life Back!
  • Taking Control of Your Mood
  • Foundations of Effective Parenting

Q: How are referrals made?

A: Most referral requests come from employees, by contacting the EAP coordinator of their choice.

  • Managers may recommend the services of the EAP to an employee.
  • Employees may refer other employees to the EAP.
  • Union representatives may recommend the services of the EAP to the employee when their job performance deteriorates and co-workers or management has identified problems.

Remember, this program is strictly confidential; no information will be given or asked without the permission of the employee. The decision is yours!


An EAP Referral Agent will maintain high standards of confidentiality with respect to their helping relationships with employees. Information of a personal nature will neither be given nor solicited without the consent of the employee concerned.

Employee Assistance Peer Referral Coordinators:

The Employee Assistance Peer Referral Coordinator (local EAP Committee member) is a carefully chosen employee who links employees desiring help in their personal lives with an appropriate community or medical resource. The Referral Agent will follow up on treatment or assistance provided to ensure that adequate and effective help has been received. The Referral Agent does not provide diagnosis, prescription or treatment services. Referral Agents are nominated by the EAP Committee, union locals or management and are accountable for their function to the local EAP Area Committee. The Referral Agent performs this role on a volunteer part-time basis, as needs arise.

EAP Peer Referral Coodinators

  • National Chair
  • Eastern Regional Coordinator, supporting YUL-YYZ
  • Western Regional Coordinator, supporting YYC – YVR
  • Volunteered Peer Assistance Coordinators at every base

EAP National Coordinator – CUPE
Vanessa Beaudoin-Grégoire
24 Hr Cell (urgent calls): 403-472-6868
Messages will be returned in a timely matter

Eastern Regional Coordinator
Sonya Barbezat
YYZ Office: 905-676-2088
YYZ EAP Cell: 647-802-0895

Western Regional Coordinator
Vicki Jensen (interim)
YVR Office: 604-270-5703
YVR EAP Cell: 778-991-4112

Montreal Office Coordinator
YUL Office: 514-422-2041
YUL EAP Cell: 514-862-2041


Sonya Barbezat – 647-802-0895
George Barelos – 416-722-2402
Sean McGuire – 647-299-7622
Sylvia Jimenez – 613-818-0202
Gay Brooks – 416-616-6041
Matthew Torrance

Vanessa Beaudoin – 403-472-6868
Shay Thawer – 403-617-7438

Vicki Jensen 778-991-4112
Shannon McBride 778-834-0426
Jose Espaillat 604-739-7339
Deborah Florczak 604-833-1447
Tiana Marcotte 604-290-7900

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