days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Follow Up – CEWS or CERB Questions for Air Canada

In the bulletin that the Union issued on April 14, 2020 entitled “CEWS or CERB Questions for Air Canada”, there were a number of questions that we were still awaiting responses to from Air Canada/Air Canada Rouge.  We have now received those answers from the Company, and they are listed below:

Q: What happens if I came over from Rouge, will my time on CEWS/CERB count towards my pay freeze?
A: If you are on CEWS it counts towards your pay freeze but if you are on CERB it does not.

Q: For those booked off prior to the ODS program what will happen if I have subsequently been approved for WIP?
A: If you are on WIP prior to the ODS program, you will remain on WIP status.  Should you have already been placed on ODS program, you may still submit a WIP application but will only commence WIP upon return to active duty.

Q: Rouge – Waiting period for health benefits for new hires, the company says that the waiting period is paused. If member selects CEWS the period should not be paused.
A:  Awaiting reply from Air Canada Rouge

Q: What wages are being included?
A: Federal gross earnings plus federal taxable benefits from the following paycheques:

January 1st flight advance
January 17th paycheque
February 1st flight advance
February 17th paycheque

Total of above earnings and benefits X 75% / 8.6964 weeks = CEWS payment to a weekly max of $847

*note- 8.6964 will be reduced dependent on periods of unpaid absences of 7 consecutive days or greater


$1,000.00 – January 1st flight advance
$3,468.85 – January 17th pay
$1,000.00 – February 1st flight advance
$3,984.25 – February 17th pay

$9,453.10 X 75% = $7,089.83 / 8.6964 = $815.2598 per week < $847,  therefore payment will equate to $815.2598 per week

Q: Where do people go to verify their pay is correct?
A: Please see above calculations or contact HR

Q: If someone applies for CEWS for May and their retirement date is June 1st, could they be denied CEWS due to not being available until June 6th?
A: Employees whose retirement date is June 1 would be considered for the CEWS program

Q: How will EI function post June 6 with CERB/CEWS, will earnings be reduced if I take CEWS or CERB?
A: What happens beyond June 6 is still unclear at this time and will be communicated at a later day.  It is recommended that Employees refer to the Service Canada Website for information on government issued programs.

Q: Rouge – Waiting period for health benefits for new hires, the company says that the waiting period is paused. If member selects CEWS the period should not be paused.
A:  Members that opt into the CEWS program will NOT have the benefit waiting period paused.

In solidarity,

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