days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Gender Policies

At our November Monthly Review, the Union mediated several grievances, including CHQ-19-17 (Unreasonable and Discriminatory Gender-Specific Personal Appearance Policy).  The Union was proud to mediate this particular case on November 20th, which is the annual Trans Day of Remembrance.

As part of the next steps for this grievance, the Union is seeking input from members uniquely affected by the Company’s arbitrary policies of gender specific uniforms and appearance standards.  We are seeking guidance from our trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming members, as well as other members who are affected by the Company’s gendered appearance policies.  We welcome feedback from both Mainline and Rouge flight attendants.

The information you share with us will help us understand the challenges that arise from the Company’s gender specific uniforms and appearance policies.  We want to ensure that we are fighting these policies with as much strength as possible.  The Union believes that the lived experiences and expertise of our members are key to achieving a just and fair result for this grievance.  Your voices are key.

We have created a survey in order to make it as easy as possible for you to share information with us.  Please click on the link below to take the survey.  We ask that you be as candid and honest as possible.

If you are willing to be contacted by the Union for follow-up, should that be necessary, please feel free to share your name and contact information with us.  Please note that identifying information is not necessary to participate, and the survey default allows for anonymity.

In solidarity,

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