Grievance Update – Unpaid Work Grievances

Air Canada continues to expect our members at both Mainline and Rouge to work for free.  We expect to be paid for work performed!

Below please see some updates on our unpaid work grievances.  

CHQ-18-27 – Unpaid Work – Move Me News Publication
Air Canada is requiring the mandatory reading of Air Canada’s bi-monthly Move Me News publication by Cabin Personnel without pay.  This requirement is a change to the working conditions of Cabin Personnel and has been imposed without consultation and negotiation with the Union.  Cabin Personnel are expected to volunteer and work on their own time, outside of regular (paid) hours, and are being denied pay, contrary to the Collective Agreement and the Canada Labour Standards Regulations, C.R.C. c. 986.  The matter has been referred to arbitration.  Once a date is scheduled it will be announced. Please continue to file eclaims for the amount of time it takes to read these publications since Air Canada has stated it is mandatory reading.  Please hold onto your denied eclaims.  There is no need to bring the denied claims to your local Union office for this grievance.

CHQ-19-13 – Unpaid Training – Leading Edge and Special Initial Workbooks
Air Canada violated the Collective Agreement by requiring the mandatory completion of the Leading Edge and Special Initial workbooks by Cabin Personnel.  Cabin Personnel are expected to have these workbooks completed prior to attending training and are therefore required to do this work on their own time, outside of regular (paid) training courses, and are being denied pay, contrary to the Collective Agreement.  This grievance was denied at level 2 and proceeded to mediation on October 23rd, 2019 where no settlement was achieved.  It will now be scheduled for arbitration.  Once a date is confirmed, it will be announced.  Please continue to file eclaims for the time it took to complete your workbook since Air Canada has stated its completion prior to training is mandatory.  Denied claims should be brought to your local office.

CHQ-rouge-19-22 Unpaid Lead Coaching Sessions
Air Canada offers an unpaid voluntary Lead coaching session. Although Air Canada has stated that attendance is on a voluntary basis, cabin personnel are being pressured by management to attend. It is also being used as an intimidation tool in employee performance meetings. The grievance is set to be heard at an upcoming Level 2 hearing. Rouge employees are encouraged to email payrolls claiming the time spent in your coaching session.   Denied claims should be brought to your local office.

CHQ-rouge-19-23 Unpaid Training – Rouge Annual Recurrent, Requalification and Initial Service Workbooks
Air Canada requires the mandatory completion of the Rouge Annual Recurrent, Requalification and Initial Service Workbooks by Cabin Personnel. Cabin Personnel are expected to have these workbooks completed prior to attending training and are therefore required to do this work on their own time, outside of regular (paid) training courses, and are being denied pay, contrary to the Collective Agreement. The grievance was heard at level 2 on November 1st, 2019 and we are waiting for Air Canada’s response. Rouge employees are encouraged to email payrolls claiming the time spent in training.   Denied claims should be brought to your local office.

CHQ-rouge-19-66 Unpaid Work – The Weekly
Air Canada is requiring the mandatory reading of Air Canada Rouge’s The Weekly bulletin by Cabin Personnel without pay.  This requirement is a change to the working conditions of Cabin Personnel and has been imposed without consultation and negotiation with the Union.  Cabin Personnel are expected to volunteer and work on their own time, outside of regular (paid) hours, and are being denied pay, contrary to the Collective Agreement and the Canada Labour Standards Regulations, C.R.C. c. 986.  The grievance is set to be heard at an upcoming Level 2 hearing.  Rouge employees are encouraged to email payrolls claiming for the amount of time it takes to read these publications since Air Canada has stated it is mandatory reading. Denied claims should be brought to your local office.

In Solidarity,

Carmela Iermieri
Chair, Component Grievance Committee

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