Ground Duty Starting November 1, 2022

The Union was recently advised of the upcoming service changes for our members working at Air Canada Mainline. Over the past few days, we have received countless emails and concerns regarding these new changes.  The membership has expressed to us a multitude of concerns including limited crew availability to do the tasks on the ground and in the air, not being paid while performing ground duties, the current pandemic and overall brand consistency. They have also identified concerns about the ability of our catering services to meet the needs of this service. As with many things, these service changes cause our members to adapt once again. If there is one thing we are good at, it is adapting. The challenges that come with these service changes is that more and more we must find the time for an increased workload and ensure that safety is paramount. In our view, safety is the most important part of what we do. As safety professionals we pride ourselves on this.

The Union has historically issued multiple bulletins on your mandatory duties on the ground. These bulletins represent the fact that we are under increased pressure to balance the realities of safety and service. Please note that these may contain outdated information. We remind you to always refer to your FAM and ePub for the most current procedures.

Strength By Action – Issue 41 – What Are Your Priorities – 20050620
You & Your Rights – Issue 21 – Time is valuable – 20050908
You & Your Rights – Issue 36 – Pre-Post Duty Periods – 20060912
Your Rights – Issue1-WhenWillEnoughBeEnough-20090217
Safety First – Issue 3 – Time Permitting – 20091106
Component Officers Message – Issue 9 – Early Boarding Or Finish Your Safety Checks – 20130507

The reporting times below represent when you are required to report to the comm center. You’ve checked in on time at the Communications Centre, printed out your self-briefing information, picked up and read all the appropriate paperwork and transmittals and now must make your way to the gate.

Reporting for Duty
Home Base – Originating Flights

767 – 788 A330 –
772 – 789
773 77P Narrow-Body
Service Directors 1:25 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:00
Flight Attendants 1:10 1:15 1:20 1:25 1:00

From Layover point, you are required to be at the airport as per the below:

767 – 788 A330 –
789- 772
773 77P Narrow-Body
Service Directors / Flight Attendants 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00


Pre-Flight Safety Checks and Duties
Your pre-flight Safety checks and duties include those listed below and should be fully and accurately completed before you commence ground service to passengers.  If you notice any safety or security issues you must bring this forward to your Service Director/Captain.

  • Stow your baggage in designated cabin crew stowage compartments.
  • Cabin defect log reviewed by in-charge and crew informed of any inoperative or unavailable equipment onboard.
  • Ensuring the pilot briefing occurs (flight conditions, taxi time, controlled rest etc.)
  • Having up-to-date publications including Dangerous Goods Training Certificate in either paper or acceptable electronic forms.
  • Attend a safety briefing with your entire crew (including any qualified gate support personnel who may be assisting with boarding).
  • Ensuring your jumpseat is serviceable: securely anchored, fully retractable, straps not twisted or frayed, inertia wheel operative, seat belt / harness adjusted to fit and stowed.
  • Verifying that all safety and emergency equipment meet serviceability requirements as per the pre-flight checks in the FAM Chapter 4.
  • Verifying that water tanks are full and waste tanks have been serviced and are functional (freeze protection panel functional on E90).
  • Safety features cards should be checked to ensure they correspond to the aircraft.
  • Safety demo equipment (video and manual) are accessible and functional for use.
  • All circuit breakers should be checked to ensure they are operative.
  • Required security inspection(s) completed:
    • Verify that there are no suspicious items onboard, including in the cabin, in the galleys, as well as the galley equipment and lavatories as per FAM Chapter 2.
    • Ensure white tamper evident seals are in place in the lavatories and advise captain if any indication of tampering.
  • If a Medipak is required, make sure it is in its specified location and confirm with the Captain that it is onboard/missing.
  • Ensuring galley equipment is secured, latched, and operative.
  • Ensuring door areas are clear and available for emergency use.
  • Ensuring Emergency Positions and safety equipment checklist is filled out, reviewed, and submitted to the Captain.
  • Ensuring cabin curtains/dividers are open and secure.
  • Ensuring IFE system is ON and screens functional (necessary for safety demo)
  • The Company also suggests you verify that there is no grease on any of the oven racks and no paper products in the ovens.

NOTE: A physical safety inspection to check the availability, accessibility, and serviceability of safety equipment in the vicinity of your assigned flight attendant station is required on all flights when any of the following apply. Deficiencies must be reported to the in-charge:

  • The aircraft has been left unattended for any period of time.
  • There is a crew change where the in-charge to in-charge briefing didn’t occur.
  • At any other time, the crew deems it necessary due to concerns.

Boarding Safety Checks and Duties
In addition to your pre-flight checks during boarding you also have a multitude of safety duties to complete such as:

  • Ensuring appropriate storage of all cabin baggage.
  • Ensuring the appropriate seating of passengers at restricted rows
  • Conducting individual safety briefings for Special Attention Passengers, Unaccompanied Minors, Passengers with Allergies, or passengers travelling with pets.
  • Conducting passenger briefing at over-wing exits and unmanned doors.
  • Ensuring all aisles and exits always remain clear of obstructions.
  • Following procedures related to fueling with passengers onboard

Our duties have not changed, and we will continue to do our job responsibly and diligently. Remember your priorities – Flight Attendants are safety professionals and should not feel pressured to compromise on safety.  These are mandatory requirements, not only good practice.

Once all your safety duties are completed, you are then able to provide ground service to passengers.  We encourage Service Directors to submit an eClaim under Article 5.09 of the Collective Agreement (Ground Duty – Service to Passengers) if you are providing a meal, bar or beverage service on the ground, provided the ground duty was for 30 minutes or more and there was flight delay. In addition, this should be documented in your eOBR report. An eOBR should also be submitted if due to safety related duties you are unable to complete ground service to passengers before departure.

In solidarity,

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