Group Insurance Benefits

As you may have seen in your employee email, the Company has sent out information for members that wish to purchase third-party benefit coverage for the go forward. This benefit coverage is being provided so that when your current Air Canada or Air Canada Rouge Benefit Coverage ends in June 2021 you have an alternative available to you.  This coverage is being provided as an option for those laid-off since the initial layoffs last Spring.

The Union has raised concerns over our laid off members with Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge over the past few months. This was after repeated requests from the membership for some benefit program for them and their families. We requested that the Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge Benefit plans be made available, however the Company was not in a position to provide them and cited cost concerns. They have investigated and have advised that they are able to offer third party coverage through Manulife. You will find that the associated coverage and annual limits are not the same as your Company Benefit Plan. We recommend that you review the coverage information carefully so you can make an informed choice.

The information for Air Canada Members can be found HERE.

The information for Air Canada Rouge Members can be found HERE.

The Union worked hard to find another choice and can report that there is the option to consider benefit plans through Canada Life. Details and quotes can be found here:

We strongly recommend that you carefully compare the Manulife or the Canada Life plan and that of your own private coverage before making a decision on purchasing benefit coverage. If you choose to purchase any of these plans, we want to be clear that the Plan is between you and the Insurer. The Union will not be involved in any disputes on coverage and cannot file a grievance for you.

We hope that those who have been adversely impacted by layoff will find that one of these plans will suit their needs and that of their family.  Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out.

In solidarity,

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