days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Health & Safety – In-Touch – Spring 2023

Stress Assess results:

At 4,576 complete responses, almost 50% of our membership responded to the survey!!!!

Our member engagement is incredible, and we are excited to be entering this new era of engagement with stakeholders to create change for the better in all areas of our workplace.

Once researchers at our partner organization, Ontario Health Clinics for Ontario Workers, have completed an analysis of written comments, a bulletin will be issued with results and the next steps. As a sneak peek the top three psychosocial areas of concern, based on preliminary data are: recognition, social support from supervisors, and quality of leadership.

If you would like a copy of the resources listed at the end of the survey, please email

Thank you to everyone who participated!

Health and Safety Week 2023: May 1-5 activities:

Monday: Oven safety

Tuesday: Safety reporting

Wednesday: Meet your health and safety committee

Thursday: Pristine Condition

Friday: Emergency Management

Come join both your union and management representatives for related activities in the comm centres!

We would like to meet you:

As a commitment to you we are spending time at the gates where we are meeting crews, doing workplace inspections, and answering general health and safety questions. We look forward to seeing you!
Stronger together. We are the union.

In solidarity,

Your Air Canada Component of CUPE Health and Safety Committee

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