days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Health & Safety Information Sources

A few years ago, we did a trial with email auto-responders to ensure that members had access to the latest bulletins concerning their health and safety 24/7 – even if they didn’t have access to fast data speeds. These remain in effect and have been expanded upon.

Send a blank message to the following addresses, and within a minute or so you’ll get a text-only version of the corresponding bulletin.
What to do if you hurt yourself or get ill because of work
Information for potentially traumatic incidents and layover safety
Information about onboard fume events
Information about how to report fatigue
Information about how to access your cosmic radiation data
Information about the right to refuse dangerous work
Information about cabin and layover temperature

This is an additional tool to use but we also remain available to answer questions in person or by email.

In solidarity,

Your Air Canada Component of CUPE Health and Safety Committee

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