days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Historic petition to end unpaid work for Flight Attendants lands in the House of Commons

An historic petition has landed in the House of Commons, calling on the Federal Government to fix loopholes that allow airlines to require Flight Attendants to work an average of 35 hours every month for free.

The petition was launched by CUPE’s Airline Division, and sponsored by NDP MP Taylor Bachrach, who serves as his party’s Transport Critic. The petition received over 17,000 signatures in just a month!

You can watch Taylor introducing the petition in the House of Commons here.

The Liberal government now has until November 5, 2023 to respond. Will they side with thousands of Flight Attendants at Canadian airlines, or will they side with the airline executives requiring Flight Attendants to work 35 hours every month for free?

Flight attendants and workers across Canada will be watching.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

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