days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Information Required For Bargaining Survey

The Union will be emailing you quite a bit of information within the next month or so, including the Bargaining Survey and material for the upcoming elections.  The Union prefers to use PERSONAL email addresses when corresponding with members, however currently we only have Air Canada email addresses on file for many of you.
Please be aware that we will NOT send the Bargaining Survey to an Air Canada email address.
Therefore, if you received this bulletin at your Air Canada email address,  we ask that you email your personal email address to NO LATER THAN Monday, December 3, 2018.
As well, if you have changed your mailing address or telephone number within the last six months, please provide that information as well, and be sure to include your employee number.
Thank you for your cooperation.

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Bargaining Committee Update – 5

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