days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Join the call to save good jobs in Canadian airlines!

Directly calling your elected representatives is one of the best ways to make your voice heard. Politicians take it seriously when citizens take the time and effort to call in to voice their concerns. And when hundreds or even thousands of us call them with the same concerns, they really start to get the message. Let’s send the Trudeau government a message they can’t ignore.


  • If you don’t get a person, leave a message!

Who to call?

  • Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland (Toronto, ON)
    • Ottawa: 613-992-5234
    • Toronto: 416-928-1451
  • Transport Minister Omar Alghabra (Mississauga, ON)
    • Ottawa: 613-992-1301
    • Mississauga: 905-848-8595
  • Employment Minister Carla Qualtrough (Delta, BC)
    • Ottawa: 613-992-2957
    • Delta: 778-593-4007
  • Or find your local MP here

What to say?

  • As a worker, I am disappointed in your government’s total betrayal of this vital industry and the people who keep it in the air
  • Airline workers in Canada have been calling for help from your government for a year and we’re still waiting to hear what your government will do to save our jobs and our industry
  • Our union, CUPE, has been reaching out to your government for the past year to request a meeting only to be ignored every single time
  • It is time for the government to stop ignoring our concerns
  • Canada is one of the only countries in the developed world without a comprehensive plan to help their airline industries weather the pandemic – this must stop
  • We need a relief package for the industry that prioritizes saving jobs and livelihoods, and that ensures there is an industry for us to return to when the pandemic is over
  • It is simply unacceptable for your government to be listening only to the executive boardrooms of the major airlines – you must listen to workers too
  • When your government needed help bringing Canadians home from abroad last year, we answered the call
  • Now it’s your turn to answer ours

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