days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Layoff and Vacation

We were recently made aware that Crew Planning was removing January 2021 vacation days from some members who were laid-off effective January 31, 2021. This was due to the fact that those members had now taken more vacation than they would have earned.  To clarify, vacation allotment is taken in the year it is earned and is based on the vacation year running from May 1st to April 30th.

This would have had unintended consequences on your Insurable Earnings for EI and would have left members with a smaller than expected final paycheque with no means to “make-up” the hours that they had lost. The Company has confirmed this was done in error.  Earlier today they confirmed the vacation days and associated credit(s) will be added back to your schedule and paid on your February 17, 2021 paystub. Vacation Reconciliation will then take place at the end of the Vacation Year, which is consistent with past practise and the information contained in your layoff letter.

We appreciate all of you that have written in on this, allowing your Union to raise and bring the issue forward.

In solidarity,

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