Letter of Understanding 35 COLA and “Me too”, A321 Aircraft & Federal Minimum Wage Update

LOU 35 – Cost of Living Increase

Inflation in Canada has hit a new three-decade high.  Most Canadians say they can’t keep up with the cost of living.

As you may recall, in 2015, Air Canada and CUPE ACC agreed to a ten year agreement.  Though annual wage increases from 2015-2025 were established under that agreement, the Parties could not have anticipated the cost of living increases we are experiencing today.  These wage increases are not keeping up with inflation.  The real value of our wages are on a steady decline when measured against rising prices.

The Collective Agreement has a Cost-of-Living-Adjustment (COLA) clause at LOU 35 (click HERE to view) that requires further negotiations on wage increases if the consumer price index of the previous year exceeds the existing wage increases by more than one percent. After consulting with a financial advisor, it is our view that the requirements of this clause have been met.  We have advised Air Canada that wage increases are necessary and that further negotiations should be held.

A321 XLR Aircraft – Mainline

The recent announcement on Air Canada Mainline securing the new A321 XLR has been an interesting development. Your Union has advised the employer that as per Article 23 of the Collective Agreement (click HERE to view), a number of items have to be reviewed with the Union prior to implementation:
▪ Emergency Equipment
▪ Galley Design and Ergonomics
▪ Wages
▪ Service Procedures
▪ Facilities related to the duties of Cabin Personnel

It appears that Air Canada intends to operate this aircraft overseas. The Union has reviewed this, and it is our position that Article (see below) applies. This article requires that the parties must meet to discuss wage rates for the A321 aircraft when operated overseas. We fully intend to ensure that this article is respected. In the event the Company decides to use this aircraft on overseas flights, the parties will meet to discuss the wage rates for A321 aircraft on overseas operations.

Federal Minimum Wage – April 1, 2022

The Federal Minimum wage rate is set to rise to $15.55/hour as of April 1, 2022.

It is our view that this wage increase is applicable to any paid work you do, any training that you undertake, return to work programs and any other scenario in which this new minimum wage requirement is not met.

Please let us know if you have any questions about any of the above noted items. It is our belief that when you come straight to the source for the information, you are informed and can share this with your colleagues. It is a cliché sentiment however we truly believe that a well-advised membership translates well into a strong and cohesive unit.

In solidarity,


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