days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Local Nomination Results – 2019 Election

Local 4091 Candidate Nomination Results

Local President
Guillaume Leduc – ACCLAIMED

Local Vice Presidents
Rima Chebib – ACCLAIMED
Melanie Paquet – ACCLAIMED
Julie Potvin – ACCLAIMED
Karim Sheir – ACCLAIMED
Natasha Stea – ACCLAIMED

Local Secretary-Treasurer
David Guillemette – ACCLAIMED

Local Trustees
* 3 Vacant Positions *


Local 4092 Candidate Nomination Results

Local President
Denis Montpetit – ACCLAIMED

Local Vice Presidents
(8 positions available)
Michelle Duhaney
Kathryn Hoffman
Kelly Hughes
Cynthia Kryszak
Da Hyen (David) Lee
Alison MacDonald
Sal Occhiuzzi
Victoria Primavera
Lillian Speedie-Court
Jinny Wong

Local Secretary-Treasurer
* 1 Vacant Position *

Local Trustees
* 1 Vacant Position *


Local 4094 Candidate Nomination Results

Local President
Carolyn Bugnon – ACCLAIMED

Local Vice Presidents
* 4 Vacant Positions *
Bernadette Jean – ACCLAIMED
Robert Koll – ACCLAIMED
Guy Leguerrier – ACCLAIMED
David Pacheco – ACCLAIMED

Local Secretary-Treasurer
Cindy Bell – ACCLAIMED

Local Trustees
* 3 Vacant Positions *


Local 4095 Candidate Nomination Results

Local President
(1 position available)
Bergen Enemark
Kim Wentzell

Local Vice Presidents
(3 positions available)
Constance Kuentzler
Daylen Mitansky
Nadine Perrin
Rebeca Woodward

Local Secretary-Treasurer
Jocelyne Picot – ACCLAIMED

Local Trustees
* 2 Vacant Positions *
Nicole Brice – ACCLAIMED


Local 4098 Candidate Nomination Results

Local President
Robyn Jenkins – ACCLAIMED

Local Vice President
Craig Smith – ACCLAIMED
Local Secretary-Treasurer
Maxime Audet – ACCLAIMED

Montreal Base Vice Presidents
* 1 Vacant Position *
Kimberly Vasconcelos Duarte – ACCLAIMED

Toronto Base Vice Presidents
* 2 Vacant Positions *
Heather Kelly – ACCLAIMED

Local Trustees
* 3 Vacant Positions *

As the campaigning process begins, we ask that everyone click HERE to review the Election Guidelines.  These guidelines pertain not only to the candidates, but to the entire membership.

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