Look For These Pins


Dear members,
The photo above displays our new Communication Ambassadors uniform pins. Designed by our very talented colleague Paul Simas, these pins serve to identify members of Communication Ambassadors team in the workplace.
So what do these pins mean? It means the person wearing it is a volunteer member of the Communication Ambassadors group, an energetic, involved team of members from all bases and all seniority levels who want to help participate in providing first-hand, grassroots feedback from the members directly to Union leadership, and also support the Union’s efforts to communicate news, events and important information back to the members, directly in the workplace.
The Ambassadors participate in monthly interactive video conferences with Component leadership to get an update about what the Union is working on, followed by a lengthy Q&A period where Ambassadors are encouraged to pass along questions and issues being discussed in the workplace, and share their insight and ideas to their elected representatives. In the workplace, the Ambassadors encourage the members to keep up with the news, help them find the appropriate resources for assorted workplace issues, and pass along Union updates. Communication Ambassadors are NOT there to answer contractual questions pertaining to the collective agreement, but rather help ensure the spread of factual (rather than rumour-based) information in the workplace, and facilitate discussions about Union matters on a one-on-one, in person basis.
As the Communication Ambassadors initiative develops further, we hope to use our Collective Agreements as a sounding board and ongoing focus group to discuss and evaluate a number of projects and in-flight matters, while also relying on them to help keep us apprised of new or under-reported issues affecting you in the workplace.
This team remains open for new members from all bases, both Mainline and Rouge! If you think you’d like to be a part of the Communication Ambassadors and contribute ideas, feedback and help pass along Union news in the workplace, please send me a quick email explaining why you’d like to join to Our Union is at its best when we have an enhanced means of listening to our members directly, and we could definitely use your help!

In solidarity,

Michel Cournoyer
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

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