LOU#22 – Long Range Flying




L22.01      This Letter of Understanding applies to Long Range Flying and will be split in two parts:


Part A will describe a duty period which contains a single flight leg and is scheduled between 16:16 and 18:00 hours;


Part B will describe a duty period which contains a single flight leg and is scheduled between 18:01 and 19:30 hours.


The parties agree that there are four (4) separate extensions of the duty period limitation:


                              Article B14;

                              LOU 18;

                              LOU 22, Part A;

                              LOU 22, Part B;


The parties further agree that once cabin personnel are scheduled to operate in any one of the four (4) extensions they cannot be changed to a different extension.

Example: If a pairing is scheduled in accordance with an Extension i.e. B14, LOU 18, LOU 22 “A” or “B”, the duty period cannot later be changed to a different extension for any reason. 





L22.02             Duty Period Limitation


L22.02.01            The scheduled duty period limitation shall be eighteen hours (18:00);


L22.03                        Crew Rest


L22.03.01            There will be a scheduled twenty-four (24) hour crew rest at layover stations;


When the outbound and the return flight are scheduled to operate on the same type of aircraft, cabin personnel will receive no less crew rest than that received by the pilots.


This restriction does not apply;

–            where one of the two flight legs is scheduled to operate on a different  type of aircraft the pilots cannot operate OR

–                in an irregular operation OR

–                to contractual differences in the definition of the duty period


L22.03.02            There shall be a minimum eighteen (18) hour crew rest at layover stations;


L22.03.03            Legal crew rest period for Regular Blockholders, upon return to home base, will be thirty-six (36) hours;


L22.03.04            Legal crew rest for Reserve Blockholders, upon return to Home Base, will be seventy-two (72) hours. Days off, when flown into, shall commence twelve (12) hours after termination of the last duty period.


L22.04            Crew Complement


L22.04.01            On flights with a maximum of two (2) classes of service, the crew complement on A340 aircraft shall be fourteen (14) and on a B747 aircraft shall be sixteen (16) cabin personnel including two (2) In Charge.


 Should another class of service be introduced on these aircraft or should either of the current two (2) classes of service be significantly upgraded (such as Premium Class), the company will enter into discussion with the union about crew complement, and failing resolution of the issue will add the same number of cabin crew members to the aircraft crew complement as are added to other flights.


 Example: If a new service requires one additional crew member on a YYZ to LHR flight, then one additional crew member will also be added on extended range flights.


L22.04.02 If the additional class or new service is later removed, only the crew members added in L22.04.01 above may be removed.


L22.04.03 In the event a new class of service or a significant service upgrade is introduced on Long Range Flights only, the company and the union will determine the crew complement by mutual agreement. If the parties are unable to agree, the issue will be resolved in med/arb.


L22.05            Onboard Crew Rest


L22.05.01            On duty periods of 16:16 to 17:10 hours, the on board crew rest will be three hours and thirty minutes (3:30) consecutive for each cabin crew member.  Meal breaks are to be taken separately.


On duty periods of 17:11 to 18:00 hours, the on board crew rest will be four consecutive hours (4:00) for each cabin crew member.  Meal breaks are to be taken separately.


L22.05.02            The Company shall provide mutually agreed upon Crew Rest Unit(s) for use on these flights;


L22.05.03            A curtain shall be installed around the washroom adjacent to the crew rest unit, which may be used for the purpose of changing into sleepwear after which the washroom will be returned for general customer use;


L22.05.04      &nb
sp;     Sleepwear shall be provided for each cabin crew member;


L22.05.05            The Onboard Crew Rest Unit shall contain clean sheets, clean pillows and clean blankets for each cabin crew member;




L22.06             Duty Period Limitation


L22.06.01             The scheduled duty period limitation shall be nineteen hours and thirty minutes (19:30);


L22.07            Crew Rest


L22.07.02            There shall be a scheduled twenty-four (24) hour crew rest at layover stations;


When the outbound and the return flight are scheduled to operate on the same type of aircraft, cabin personnel will receive no less than that received by the pilots.


This restriction does not apply;

–            where one of the two flight legs is scheduled to operated on a different  type of aircraft the pilots cannot operate OR

–                in an irregular operation OR

–                to contractual differences in the definition of the duty period


L22.07.03            There shall be a minimum eighteen (18) hour crew rest at layover stations


L22.07.04            Legal crew rest period for Regular Blockholders, upon return to Home Base, will be thirty-six (36) hours;


L22.07.05            Legal crew rest period for Reserve Blockholders, upon return to Home Base, will be seventy-two (72) hours.  Days off, when flown into, shall commence twelve (12) hours after termination of the last duty period.


L22.08            Crew Complement


L22.08.01            On flights with a maximum of two (2) classes of service, the crew complement on A340 aircraft shall be fifteen (15) and on a B747 aircraft shall be seventeen (17) cabin personnel, including two (2) In Charge.


Should another class of service be introduced on these aircraft or should either of the current two (2) classes of service be significantly upgraded (such as Premium Class), the company will enter into discussion with the union about crew complement, and failing resolution of the issue will add the same number of cabin crew members to the aircraft crew complement as are added to other flights.


Example: If a new service requires one additional crew member on a YYZ to LHR flight, then one additional crew member will also be added on extended range flights.



L22.08.02 If the additional class or new service is later removed, only the crew members added in L22.08.01 above may be removed.


L22.08.03 In the event a new class of service or a significant service upgrade is introduced on Long Range Flights only, the company and the union will determine the crew complement by mutual agreement.  If the parties are unable to agree, the issue will be resolved by med/arb.


L22.09            Onboard Crew Rest


L22.09.01 On duty periods of 18:01 to 18:45 hours on board Crew Rest will be four hours thirty minutes (4:30) consecutive for each cabin crew member.  Meal breaks are to be taken separately.


On duty periods of 18:46 to 19:30 on board rest will be five hours (5:00) for each cabin crew member. Meal breaks are to be taken separately.


The Company shall provide a mutually agreed upon Crew Rest Unit(s) for use on these flights;


L22.09.02 A curtain shall be installed around the washroom adjacent to the crew rest unit, which may be used for the purpose of changing into sleepwear after which the washroom will be returned for general customer use;


L22.09.03            Sleepwear shall be provided for each cabin crew member;


L22.09.04            The Onboard Crew Rest Unit shall contain clean sheets, clean pillows and clean blankets for each cabin crew member;


L22.10            Crew Rest Unit Failure prior to departure

                                    Applies to both part A & B


L22.10.01            The Company shall have a backup Crew Rest Unit for these flights


L22.10.02            In the event of a crew rest failure prior to departure, the following will apply;


L22.10.03            There shall be a minimum of five (5)“J” class seats reserved for onboard crew rest if the crew complement is fifteen (15) or less.  The Company will provide a sixth (6th) “J” class seat if required and if there is no customer impact.  However, if the Company is unable to provide this seat, the company shall provide two (2) rows of four (4) Economy seats as crew bunks.


There shall be a minimum of six (6) “J” class seats reserved for onboard crew rest if the crew complement is more than fifteen (15).  The Company will provide a seventh (7th) “J” class seat if required and if there is no customer impact. 

However, if the Company is unable to provide this seat, the company shall provide two (2) rows of four (4) Economy seats as crew bunks. 


Operating employees will be entitled to sleep in these seats in accordance with L22.05 and L22.09. 


L22.10.04            Air Canada will notify the Union which crew rest seats have been reserved on the A340 aircraft and on the B747 aircraft.

NOTE:            If new aircraft are introduced into the fleet, Air Canada will notify the Union no less than thirty (30) days prior to the introduction of a new aircraft.



L22.10.05            In the event the situation in L22.10.02 occurs, each operating cabin crew member will be given three (3) days of additional vacation to be taken in the following vacation year in conjunction with regular vacation.


L22.10.06            In the event the Company elects to avoid customer impact by slipping the cabin crew via a Tech Stop of this aircraft, the provisions of this Letter of Understanding will not apply.  Regular Blockholders affected will receive full pay protection for the pairing and will be subject to reassignment ONLY to the extent that they may be required to operate a flight to their home base.


L22.10.07            The failure of the crew rest unit must be signed off by the In-Charge and the Captain on the form provided on the aircraft.


L22.10.08            A review of the incident will be conducted by the Company and a copy of this review will be forwarded to the Component President within 30 days of the incident.


L22.11            Crew Rest Unit Failure in Flight

                        Applies to both part A & B


L22.11.01            In the event of a Crew Rest Unit failure in flight, the following shall apply:


L22.11.02            Operating cabin crew members shall be entitled to rest in accordance with L22.05 & L22.09 in their regular crew rest seats or in the “last sold seats”, if available. They will be entitled to sleep in these seats;


L22.11.03            In the event the situation in L22.11.01 occurs, each operating cabin crew member shall be credited with a premium equal to fifty percent (50%) of the greater of the scheduled or actual block-to-block time and each operating cabin crew member shall be given three (3) days of additional vacation to be taken in the following vacation year in conjunction with regular vacation.


L22.11.04            The failure of the crew rest unit must be signed off by the in-Charge and the Captain on the form provided on the aircraft.


L22.11.05            A review of the incident will be conducted by the Company and a copy of this review will be forwarded to the Component President within 30 days of the incident.


 L22.12            Capped load


L22.12.01            Air Canada may cap a specific LOU 22 pairing if it is pre-scheduled  for an entire block month.  Capped loads on a route may exist at any time for the sole purpose of extending the range of the B747 and A340-300 aircraft.  Capping does not apply to any other aircraft.


L22.12.02 If a flight is capped, then the crew complement may be reduced by one crew member for every reduction of forty (40) passengers.


                        Example: If the passenger load is restricted by seventy-nine (79), the crew complement may be reduced by one (1).  If the passenger load is restricted by eighty (80) or more, the crew complement may be reduced by two (2). If the passenger load is restricted by one hundred and twenty (120), the crew complement may be reduced by three (3).


L22.12.03 The crew complement will never be less than that required under LOU 18 (currently 12)


L22.13            New class of service added to Long  Range Flights only


L22.13.01            In the event a new class of service is added on Long Range Flights only, the crew complement reduction in L22.12.02 will cease and the parties will determine the crew complement required for these flights by mutual agreement.


L22.14            Short crewing penalty


                        The short crewing penalty as described below shall apply to all capped flights operating with a reduced crew complement.

                        When a flight is operated with less than the required cabin crew, each operating cabin crew member shall receive a premium of fifty (50) percent on all flight time credits for the flight operated.



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