L39.01 The new PBS system will provide Cabin Personnel with monthly schedules in accordance with their seniority preference. Their seniority preference will be honoured in a pure seniority order but the parties agree that the Company’s operational language and classification requirements must be met.
The goal of the new PBS system is to leave less than one block of open time while meeting the seniority based selection of all employees and meeting the Company’s operational language and classification requirements.
(a) On an expedited basis, the Company and the Union will select
an equal number of representatives to form a committee of
individuals to evaluate and agree on the new PBS system.
Should the Committee fail to agree within six (6) months from
the date of ratification of this agreement; the selection of the
PBS system will be referred to mediation to be completed
within 60 days. Should the parties fail to agree during the
mediation, line bidding will remain in effect.
(b) The parties agree to meet to amend the appropriate collective
agreement provisions including and without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, Block Rules, prior to the exit of
CCAA and prior to the implementation of the system.
The collective agreement will be amended to provide:
- All Flying must be blocked
- Vacation credits 2:55
- Reserve credits 2:35