days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

LOU#45 – Jetz





Memorandum of Agreement


This memorandum of agreement resolves in a full and final manner all issues pertaining to grievances CHQ-03-78 and CHQ-05-14.


1. Within 5 business days of the signing of a contract or an amendment thereof between AC Jetz and its customers, Air Canada will provide CUPE with all flights contracted on a confidential basis.

2. When the PBS system is implemented, Jetz flying will be paired.

3. When Air Canada selects an individual for a Jetz special assignment, CUPE will be advised as soon as possible, and will be copied on the confirmation letter to the flight attendant.

4. In advance of each block month, Air Canada will advise CUPE of Jetz flying/pairings.

5. Within 5 business days after the end of the block month, a reconciliation of Jetz flying will be conducted between the two parties.

6. All Jetz operated pairings will remain in the Master Schedule.

Blocking and Awarding

1. All known Jetz flying will be paired and blocked as per the collective agreement in order to permit cabin personnel to bid on this flying. Once awarded, the employee will be displaced with pay protection and not subject to reassignment or dart, even if the flight is subsequently changed or cancelled.

2. In the event that Jetz pairings cannot be blocked, they shall be put in open time in accordance with the collective agreement and awarded per Article B7.04, including Reserve.

  • a) For Reserve pre-select, pairings will be awarded in accordance with B8.26
  • b) For other Reserve awards during the month, it will be granted according to B8.22
  • c) Any Reserve awarded Jetz flying through this process will be displaced with pay protection and not subject to reassignment or draft, i.e. they will be treated as though they actually operated the pairing.





l.          Deadheading of Jetz crews into or out of home base will not be included in the calculation of Jetz pairings.

2.         The company will build pairings to be as productive as possible for pay purposes.  The pairings will include required operational and deadhead flying, i.e. non-existent deadhead flights will not be used.

3.         The actual Jetz pairing operated might be broken down into two or more pairings in order to reduce THG.  In this event, the value of the displaced pairings will be used, not the operated pairing.  E.g. Pairing operated:  YYZ-NAS-layover 3 days-NAS-YYZ.  Pairings awarded and used for pay purposes:  Pairing 1:  YYZ-NAS operated, deadhead back to YYZ.  Pairing 2:  Deadhead YYZ to NAS, operate NAS-YYZ.

4.         The company will not build any single displaced pairings in excess of the maximum monthly limitation.

5.         Any Jetz pairing not awarded shall be paid as union flight release.

Other than to enforce the terms of this MOA, this agreement is entered into without prejudice and precedent to the parties’ respective positions.

In the event the parties cannot agree on the interpretation or implementation of this Memorandum of Agreement, M. Teplitsky will remain seized of the issue.

Dated this 16th day of December, 2005.


Signed Original

_________________________                      __________________________

Jane A. MacGregor                                             Pamela Sachs           


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