LOU#5 – Special Assignments & Public Relations Assignments





L5.01                SELECTION:  Selection for special assignments and public relations assignments will be at the discretion of the Company.  Long term special assignments will be published to Cabin Personnel and all applications will be considered.  All special assignments, including role play requirements for In-Charge courses, will be voluntary.


Short term assignments will be advertised where practicable.


L5.02                DURATION:  Special and public relations assignments will normally be limited in duration to one (1) year.  Where the nature of the assignment or project requires a longer period than one (1) year, the assignment may be extended a further six (6) months by mutual agreement between the Company and the Union.  Such requests shall not be unreasonably withheld.


L5.03                STATUS:  Employees on special or public relations assignments continue to be classified as Cabin Personnel for all purposes.


L5.03.01 Cabin personnel on special assignments are recognized to be in a quasi management position with respect to their duties, responsibilities and functions and are expected to perform as part of management during this period.


L5.03.02 Cabin Personnel on special assignment shall not be required to make any decisions of a disciplinary nature regarding other Cabin Personnel.




L5.04.01        Definition:  A short term assignment is one that lasts for less than a full block month.


L5.04.02        Credits:  Cabin Personnel on short term assignments will be credited as follows:


L5.04.02.01  Regular Blockholders:  The greater of the scheduled block credits missed as a result of the assignment or three hours and forty-five minutes (3:45) for each day worked over the duration of the assignment.


Where the three hours and forty-five minutes (3:45) duty credit is the greater, the block credits missed will be applied for limitations and the total accrued daily credit for pay purposes.


L5.04.02.02  Reserve Blockholders:  Three hours and forty-five minutes (3:45) for each day worked over the duration of the assignment applicable to both pay and limitations.


L5.04.03            EXPENSE ALLOWANCES


L5.04.03.01  Ground Transportation:  A ground transportation allowance of four dollars ($4.00) per day will be applicable in accordance with Article 7.01 – Ground Transportation Allowances for each day of the assignment.


L5.04.03.02  Meal Allowances:  Meal allowances will be provided in accordance with Article 7.02 – Meal Allowances at the Canada/United States allowance rate for each day of the assignment where the employee is actually at work throughout a recognized meal period.


NOTE:        Where flight duty is involved, normal Cabin Personnel expense allowances are applicable.


L5.04.04        Guaranteed Days Off:  On all short term assignments, the minimum guaranteed days off applicable to the individual according to his/her status that month, Regular or Reserve Blockholder, will be provided.


No short term assignment will be offered to an individual whose minimum guaranteed days off cannot be provided in that month.


L5.04.05        Other Working Conditions:  The specific working conditions applicable to the assignment shall be confirmed in writing to the employee with a copy to the Component President.  This shall be done prior to the commencement of the assignment.




L5.05.01        Definition:  A long term assignment is one for a period of one (1) complete block month or more. The employee may be given multiple assignments of one complete block month or more within the special assignment period.  Following a long term special assignment, the employee shall not be eligible for further special assignments for a period of one (1) year.


NOTE:        Where a long term assignment commences or terminates with a part month, the part month will be considered as part of the long term assignment and the following conditions will be applicable on a prorated basis.


L5.05.01.01 Notwithstanding Article L5.02, due to the special requirements of training, special assignments for training may be retained for up to thirty-six (36) months without mutual agreement, at which time the provisions of L5.05.01 will apply.


L5.05.02       Credits:  Cabin Personnel on long term assignments will be compensated at the entry level of In-Flight Service First Line Management salary program in effect at that time.


L5.05.03        Expense Allowances:  Ground transportation and meal allowances are not applicable on long term assignments except where flight duty is involved when normal Cabin Personnel expense allowances will apply.


Expense allowances for long term assignments will be on the same basis as Management business expense allowances.


L5.05.04        Guaranteed Days Off:  An employee on a long term assignment will receive time off in accordance with personnel policies applicable to In-Flight Service Management employees.


L5.05.05 Vacation


L5.05.05.01 Where an employee on long term special assignment is scheduled and takes a vacation during the period of the assignment, the vacation will be credited as above.  It is, however, recognized that scheduled vacations may have to be altered as the situation requires.


L5.05.05.02 Where an employee is scheduled to take vacation during a special assignment, arrangements will be made at the outset with the employee on whether the vacation will be taken as scheduled or changed by mutual agreement.  Vacation periods should not be changed to a period outside the special assignment and vacation periods scheduled outside a special assignment should not be advanced to within the special assignment.


L5.05.05.03 Where an employee on special assignment takes a vacation during the period of the assignment, vacation credits will be credited on the basis outlined above for normal credits.


L5.05.05.04 Vacation taken during the period for the special assignment will be taken as consecutive calendar days including weekends and will be extended only by statutory holidays
that occur during the period.


L5.05.06        Other Working Conditions:  The specific working conditions applicable to the assignment, whether regular office hours or a shift arrangement, must be confirmed to the employee in writing with a copy to the Component President prior to the commencement of the assignment.


L5.06                FLIGHT DUTY:


L5.06.01       Where the nature of the assignment requires operational flying as a working member of a designated crew, the employee may bid for open flying in accordance with his/her seniority or,

where this is not appropriate, displace an employee under Article B6.02 – Displacement.

NOTE:            The employee displaced will not be subject to reassignment.


L5.06.02       Unless the nature of the assignment requires operational flying, the employee on special assignment is not permitted to bid open flying or displace another employee.



L5.06.03        Utilization for Flight Coverage ‑ Draft


Cabin Personnel on special assignment are not normally subject to “Draft” as Cabin Personnel.  However, in cases where Base Management is utilized to cover open flying in critical periods, employees on special assignment will be utilized on the same basis as part of the overall group in accordance with the priorities that the individuals within the total group ‑ Management and special assignment ‑ are engaged in at that time.



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