Masks – Where And When To Still Wear Them While On Duty

As the pandemic has evolved so has the guidance and mandates for mask wearing. It is important to note that public policy may not reflect specific occupational realities which must be assessed under obligations imposed by the Canada Labour Code Part II. Accordingly, an evaluation of the hazard and risk in consultation with experts remains ongoing. This takes into account a varied level of immunity, public guidance, as well as corporate policy that dictates protective measures which may be tailored to specific branches.

AIRPORT: Highly recommended.  Follow local guidance. (In some cases, still mandatory ie. secure areas in Canada)

ONBOARD: Mandatory unless eating or drinking

FLIGHT DECK: Highly recommended.

CREW TRANSPORTATION: Highly recommended. Follow local guidance.

HOTELS: Highly recommended. Follow local guidance.

ON LAYOVER: Highly recommended. Follow local guidance.

TRAINING: Mandatory in SIM and in areas where shouting commands. Highly recommended at all other times.

AIR CANADA CORPOPERATE: Highly recommended

Further info:
As the information and mask mandates are adjusted, please regularly consult epub for the latest guidance. The most up-to-date information about PPE can also be consulted in ePub as well.

Availability of PPE:
All PPE continues to be available through crew centres and/or PPE units on aircraft depending on the item. You are entitled to the amount needed.

Members are reminded that for respiratory protection, in decreasing order of effectiveness, we have access to respirators (which should be self-fitted), followed by a procedural mask overlaid with a company fabric mask (to seal side gaps), followed by a procedural mask.

In solidarity,

Your Air Canada Component of CUPE Health and Safety Committee

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