days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Mitigation Awards & Layoff Notices

The Company has completed the mitigation process and will send out the resulting layoff notices. Please check your Air Canada emails. The results for this round of mitigations are as follows:

Resignation/Retirement  29 Mainline
2-month RBP  36 Mainline
2-month SPLOA  23 Mainline

Following the Mitigation Program, the resulting layoff was 804 Mainline Members. Layoff Notices will be sent to your Air Canada email. We encourage you to reference the layoff notice you receive for any questions regarding the layoff process, benefits, and the returning of your company issued items.

Please be mindful that the numbers quoted above refer to active and inactive members. The most junior member to remain active at mainline has seniority #10315 (2020 Seniority Number).

For those of you awarded an RBP, please be mindful that bidding closes on Wednesday night, so you may wish to adjust your bid based on your reduced blocking window.

Each round of layoffs has been difficult to process and the results of this round are especially so as our active membership has reached a record low, both in numbers and moral.  We are hopeful these layoffs will be temporary, but that does not minimize the impact on those of you affected. Your Union will continue to be here for you.  Please do not hesitate to reach out if you are in need.

In solidarity,

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