The Company has released its mitigation packages this morning. The selection process will be open until Monday, January 18, 2021 at 08:00 EST.
The Options available to members at Mainline and Rouge are as follows:
- Resignation with C3 Travel and Benefits Programs
- 3-month Special Leaves of Absence (February 2021 to April 2021 inclusive)
- 3-month Reduced Block Program (February 2021 to April 2021 inclusive)
Please click HERE for full terms and selection information for Mainline.
Please click HERE for full terms and selection information for Rouge.
Please note an updated seniority list has been posted on the Mainline and Rouge portals.
All members are eligible to bid on the Mitigation Programs; however Special Leaves of Absences and Reduced Block Programs will be awarded by seniority to those who would otherwise not be placed on Layoff Status. Meaning, you cannot hold an SPLOA or RBP program if you are not able to hold flying for February 2021. |
Once the mitigation program is complete, award results and any resulting layoff notices will be sent to your Air Canada email by January 20, 2021 at 23:00 EST.
As a reminder recalls from layoff status are done in order of master seniority regardless of originating airline as per Article 17.16 of the Collective Agreement. Recall rights for both Mainline and Rouge are for five (5) years from the date of layoff.
In solidarity,