days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

OBSM CC Assessment Program Update

Many of you have written to us to explain the sheer frustration you are feeling about the OBSM Cabin Crew program. The confusion about whether they are evaluating you or your co-worker. The manner in which you are being evaluated and observed in silence. More importantly is the fact that the OBSM won’t advise you of any issues onboard during the briefing such as hair, grooming or shoes. You only learn of your alleged “deficiencies” at a later date and are not given the opportunity to make small adjustments and self correct.

Lastly is the awkwardness created when the OBSM then shows up for dinner on layover and is mingling on a social level with the whole crew. How can anyone enjoy their layover when they feel they are always being watched?

We have repeatedly seen absurd forms of discipline levied on our Mainline colleagues as a result of the OBSM Cabin Crew program. This is due in part or in whole to the fact that the Company chooses not to discuss things first. Oftentimes, the member being assessed would be perfectly capable and able to correct what is deemed to be against policies. It is demeaning and disconcerting to feel so unsupported when there are such simple fixes to what are often minor issues.

This week we had a rash of discipline come forward. To name a few:

  1. Member was given a “Letter of Reprimand”, the first stage in progressive discipline, for using an Air Canada Duty Free bag to transport their Air Canada Duty Free purchase.
  2. Member was given discipline for arriving 7 minutes late for the flight.
  3. Member was given discipline for doing service on the ground in Premium Economy
  4. Member was given discipline for having a bag tag on their crew bag
  5. Member was given discipline for a ponytail that was past their mid-shoulder blade.
  6. Members were given discipline for making too much noise in galley with catering equipment.

The above examples were recent. This discipline was handed down to separate individuals. The reason for the discipline is due to the fact that these issues constitute an automatic FAIL on your OBSM CC assessment.  Grooming is worth 30%, so one infraction leads to a FAIL.

Our members are devastated when they discover that they have failed in their “professional pride.” This assessment category is far too emotionally weighted. The category should not be invoking professional pride. Our members have a great deal of pride and professionalism. Carrying an Air Canada duty free bag or giving away your Rondelle to a passenger and not having a replacement does not equate to a lack of professional pride.

Air Canada confirms in all of their Letters of Discipline that ” Air Canada’s flight path is our promise for customer excellence and for reaching our goal of becoming a global champion airline”. If this was the case, we would not see In-Flight as the only department who needs to deliver on this commitment.

The Union is repeatedly discussing this with labour, local management, and internally.  The discipline is not appropriate. It only serves to alienate more and more hard working and dedicated crew members. We only hope that management will see the error of their ways and learn that their greatest asset is the Flight Attendant group. They are the ones who lead the way to excellence, capture their loyalty and their collective strengths, and there is no limit to what can be achieved.

In solidarity,


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