days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

OBSM Using Crew Rest Unit

We wanted to provide you with some clarity on the crew rest facilities. The Union has received reports from several Service Directors demonstrating confusion from OBSMs on this issue. This has sometimes led to the disruption of legal rest, or the uncomfortable and unprofessional situation of crew members sharing intended rest time and space with the person who is assessing them onboard.

Our Service Directors have been rightfully concerned that addressing this issue with OBSMs directly may negatively affect the assessments being carried out onboard. As such, Service Directors have been placed in challenging situations in which they do not feel empowered to assert their rights as workers.

Let us be clear, OBSMs cannot take their rest until after operating crew have done so first. OBSMs must confirm with Service Directors that operating crew have taken their contractually provided rest. OBSMs are not to take rest in the crew rest facilities while operating crew are doing the same. Finally, OBSMs ought to seek instruction from the Service Directors about the appropriate time for them to use the crew rest facilities.

In situations in which the crew bunks are not available to OBSMs, Service Directors may remind OBSMs that they are permitted to use empty passenger seats, as available and appropriate.

The Union has communicated with the Company directly on this issue. The Company committed to reminding all OBSMs in writing of the proper usage of crew rest facilities. There should not be any further instances of OBSMs attempting to join operating crew members in the bunks. If this occurs and you do not feel comfortable confronting the OBSM directly, please reach out to the Union right away.

In solidarity,

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