days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

PBS: April Bid Period – UPDATE

The circumstances that led to the Company issued Globe Message on March 16 have resulted in a major change to the corporate schedule which would result in an insurmountable number of pairing revisions. It was decided that it was better to develop a new set of April pairings to replace the ones previously published. Once the new pairings are ready, they will be loaded into PBS. The New and Old interface access the same pairing file so either may be used.

New pairings will be available on Friday March 20th by 23:00 EDT. The bid close will be extended until Wednesday March 25th at 00:01 EDT. The last full day of bidding is March 24th. To give additional bidding time, the contesting period for April only will be reduced to 48 hours. Even at that, for Mainline, the bidding period is not the usual amount of time however given the timing of the events/announcements, the work that needs to be completed as well as the other processes involved in block awarding and publishing, a “full” bid period was not possible.

Please click HERE to view an in depth bulletin that deals with this subject.

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