days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

PBS: Review of Set Condition Minimum Credit

Following last month’s use of a limit to the maximum number of bidders who were awarded their request for Minimum Credit and the unexpected negative consequences this had on some crew members’ block awards, we would like to review specific PBS processing logic in conjunction with the Set Condition Minimum Credit and multiple bid groups using the Clear Schedule Start Next Bid Group (CSSNBG) instruction.

Negative block award consequences related to the limitation of the Minimum Credit bidders could only have occurred for members using both Set Condition Minimum Credit and the Clear Schedule Start Next Bid Group (CSSNBG) instruction in the same Pairings bid group.
In this bulletin:
– Limit to the maximum number of Minimum Credit bids honored
– Conditions
– Set Condition Minimum Credit
– PBS processing logic
– Multiple bid groups with Instruction Clear Schedule Start Next Bid Group (CSSNBG)
– Bidding Strategies
– Bidding Support

Please click HERE to view the full bulletin.

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