days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Policy Grievance – Wage Rate and Benefits for Members Recalled to Rouge

The Employer is planning to recall Cabin Personnel – Flight Attendants and Pursers/Service Directors – on layoff from Mainline to Air Canada Rouge’s operations.   The Collective Agreement requires that these Cabin Personnel be provided with “their Air Canada Mainline wage rate with Air Canada Mainline benefits” while at Rouge (Article 17.04.02).  The purpose of this provision was to ensure that Mainline Cabin Personnel wage rates were protected if they were recalled to Rouge.

The Employer has taken the position that Pursers/Service Directors recalled to Rouge will not be paid their Mainline wage rate and instead, will be paid the rate they would have been paid at Mainline had they been classified as a Flight Attendant. The Employer has taken the position that parking benefits will not be provided.  This is not what the Parties negotiated and not what the Collective Agreement requires.  It is also extremely punitive.

The Union has filed a grievance, CHQ-20-13 – Wage Rate and Benefits for Members Recalled to Rouge (click HERE to view).  Our Members, who have already suffered so much through COVID-19 and layoff, deserve better.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

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