days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

President's Message – May 2007

Teplitsky Review Hearing – Reserve (CHQ-06-63)

The Union submitted to Arbitrator Teplitsky that a reserve blockholder who has been released from their reserve duty pursuant to Article B8.11.01, is entitled to voluntary extension (100hrs) in accordance with seniority.

The Union is very pleased to inform our reserve crewmembers that on April 25, 2007, Arbitrator Teplitsky ruled in favour of CUPE’s argument that it is both productive for the Company and affords our reserve crewmembers the same benefits as regular blockholders in this respect.

Website Changes/Additions

I have been working on implementing changes to the design and user friendliness of the Component Website.  Our website administrators are currently working on ways to help improve access for our members to make it a lot easier.  Security on the site is still of the utmost importance and will not be compromised at all by any of the changes that may occur.  We will update the members as work progresses.

  • Lesley’s Blog:   Work has begun on creating a Blog for members to use to contact me for discussions on important topics affecting the membership as a whole.  Access to the Blog will be available via your member access on the Component website.  The Blog should be ready for use by mid summer.

Availability of Component Officers

The three Component Officers made a commitment to go on “walkabouts” as much as possible for the go forward.  On April 12, 2007, we attended the YVR Local Union Meeting with a very good membership turn out.  Questions mostly arose in the area of VSPs, pensions, PBS and reserve working conditions.  Thank you to those members who took the time to participate.  We intend to continue our “walkabouts” across all the bases in the very near future.

E-Fix (Automation of OBR’s)

The Union is addressing members concerns with the possibility of the Company implementing a new process, called E-Fix, which will eliminate OBRs in paper form.  Will this increase our In-Charges workload?  We would like to hear from you on this.  I have written to Susan Welscheid on this urgent matter, as the Union was not consulted prior to the Company’s “test” phase that was recently introduced in YVR.

New Hires Presentations

Prior to graduation, the Component Officers visit the new hires classes and give a 2-hour “Introduction to the Union and its Structure/Purpose” presentation.  It is a very informative session and our new hires are eager to learn all they can about the Union.  A question and answer period follows the presentation.  The Local bases follow this up with a “base orientation” session.  I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of all our members, to welcome our new group of flight attendants.

Component Trustee Positions

The Union is very pleased to announce we have three newly elected trustees at the Component Level.

            Pam Sarkissian (YVR Base) – Acclaimed on February 28, 2007.

            J. P. De Verteuil (YYZ Base) – Acclaimed on March 5, 2007

            Evelyn Bell-Bedard (YYZ Base) – Elected on April 30, 2007.

The role of the Component Trustee is a vital one.  Their annual audit ensures that the finances of the Union are being administered properly and effectively.  They also assist the Component Secretary-Treasurer in maintaining neat, complete, and organized records as well as making copies of all recommendations to CUPE National.  The trustees are required to go through an extensive training course provided by one of CUPE National’s Facilitators/Educators.

Yearly Financial Reports

Air Canada Component of CUPE’s financial year runs from July 1 to June 30.  We are looking at possibly sending out financial reports to our member’s home address, but before we do, we would like to receive your feedback.  Please e-mail me at

Minimum Monthly Guarantee

We would like to address some concerns our members have in regards to the temporary blocking window of 69hrs in an 80hr month and 74hr in an 85hr month and how it relates to your minimum monthly guarantee of 65hrs for regular block holders and 70hrs for RSV blockholders.

MMG or 65hrs/70hrs is part of our Collective Agreement and outlined under Article 5.11.  MMG has no co-relation to bidding.  It protects your minimum pay credits.  Is 65hrs MMG a fair pay protection?  Absolutely not, however, it remains contractual and cannot be re-negotiated until bargaining in 2009. 

President’s Hotline Message

The President’s Hotline Message can be accessed by calling 1(800)735-2676 or locally (416)258-1175.

Every month a new President’s Hotline Message will be recorded in order to update the membership on current Union issues.

In unity,


Lesley Swann

President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

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