days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Recall Notices – April 13, 2022

The Union is happy to announce that the Company has just advised us that there will be 99 recall notices going out shortly for Cabin Crew positions at Air Canada Rouge.

This recall will involve the return of Rouge employees who chose to remain on layoff rather than accept a recall to Mainline, as well as the return of some of the Rouge employees temporarily working at Mainline.

One thing to take note of with these recalls to Rouge is that some Rouge employees who were temporarily working at Mainline will become permanent Mainline employees through the most recent flow-through award and will receive notification as such in lieu of a recall notice.

The most junior rouge employee receiving a recall has a 2022 seniority number of 40585.

The recalls to Rouge will take effect on May 1, 2022.  You must accept your recall within 7 days. If you are a Rouge employee temporarily working at Mainline and receive a recall notice, you must accept your recall back to your point of layoff and there is no option to remain at Mainline unless you were awarded a spot at Mainline through the flow through process. This is as per article 17.07.05 which states: When recalled to the point of layoff, Air Canada Rouge Cabin Personnel must return to Air Canada Rouge with their full Air Canada Rouge LOU 55 rights.  Upon return to Air Canada Rouge, Air Canada Rouge Cabin Personnel will be assigned to the Air Canada Rouge pay rate that corresponds to the total years of service accumulated at both Air Canada Rouge and Air Canada Mainline.

All members being recalled will be notified via registered letter and will also be advised via Company email.  Please check your recall notice for more details. To ensure delivery of your recall response we suggest using your Air Canada email account.

Do I have to accept a position back to my point of layoff?  Can I decline the recall coming back to where I was laid off from?

As per Article 17.16.04 the following is applicable:

17.16.04  If the employee is notified of a permanent assignment at the point of layoff, s/he must accept, and report for duty within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date notice was sent. An acceptance of permanent assignment at other than the point of layoff shall be optional for the individual concerned; however, should s/he accept, s/he shall report for duty within twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date of registered postmark. This time limit may be extended by Air Canada or Air Canada Rouge, as applicable, under extenuating circumstances.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for clarity on the process or any concerns that you may have.

In solidarity,

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