Referendum Vote

You recently received a bulletin from the Tabulating Committee announcing a referendum vote which was scheduled to take place, starting this week. In the week since the vote was announced, your Air Canada Component Executive (Component Officers and Local Presidents) had several meetings, and have come to an agreement on a new bylaw reform which they all unanimously support (see accompanying ACCEX bulletin). Your Tabulating Committee has therefore postponed the original referendum vote until November 19th, 2010. The new referendum question that you will be asked to vote on is outlined below. We apologize for any confusion this may cause.

The Air Canada Component Bylaws in their entirety can be viewed by logging onto:, then selecting: Resources > Downloads > Bylaws.

Again, thank you in advance for your active participation.

New Referendum Question:

The current Bylaw states:

9.4     Local budgets – The ACC shall remit the monthly budget for each Local as follows: $600.00 base amount plus $6.00 per dues paying member. These monies shall be remitted to the Locals within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the employer’s dues remittance.

Do you agree to amend this By-law as follows:

9.4     Local Budgets – The ACC shall remit the budget for each Local as follows:

9.4.1  Local Budgets:

  • The ACC shall remit the monthly budget for each Local with less than 2,000 members $3,250.00 base amount plus $6.00 per dues paying member.
  • The ACC shall remit the monthly budget for each Local with 2,000 members or more $600.00 base amount plus $6.00 per dues paying member.

These monies shall be remitted to the Locals within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the employer’s dues remittance.

Voting Procedures:

Voting will now open on Friday, November 19, 2010, at 09:00h EST, and will close on Monday, November 29, 2010, at 12:00h EST (09:00h PST).

You have the option of voting by web, or by phone, as per Component Bylaws.  You will need your membership voting card number and PIN to access the system. Your PIN remains the same as it was for the recent Bargaining Survey.

  • Voting website:
  • Voting phone line: 1-800-815-7109 within Canada (1-403-301-2119 outside Canada)
  • If you do not have a PIN, please contact: We will respond with a temporary PIN as quickly as possible during business hours (weekdays 09:00h – 16:30h EST), however, please allow us 1 business day to respond.

***If using the automated voting phone line, you will first be read the above question in its entirety. You may then vote by selecting the option: Yes, I agree – or – No, I do not agree.***

In Solidarity,
Larry Roy
Chairperson, Component Tabulating Committee                       

Air Canada Component of CUPE
Tabulating Committee 

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