days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Reporting Drafting & Short Crewing

Have you been drafted or have someone on your crew that has been drafted?

Report it here:

Have you operated a flight that was short crewed?

Report it here:

At a time when we have members laid off, we need you to report drafting and short crewing. If it affects you, please report it to the Union. Reporting through social media does not assist the Union, official reporting does.  The Union keeps track of short crewing and drafting, and has used this data in the past to show the company the need for further recalls.  When you take the time to report these issues to the Union, if needed, we then have statements required for any grievance process.  This is proactive and assists the Grievance Committee and your Local Officers in ensuring there is a case and demonstrates that it is a concern to the membership.  The Union relies on members to report violations, this signals issues to the Union so we are able to deal with them.

In solidarity,

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