days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Settlement of CHQ-rouge-18-12 – UDOs and Unforeseeable Circumstances

In 2018 the Union filed grievance CHQ-rouge-18-12 – UDOs and Unforeseeable Circumstances, based on Air Canada Rouge forcing Cabin Personnel to work into their Untouchable Days Off in the event of flight delays.  In July 2020 the Union and the Company mediated a Memorandum of Settlement prior to this grievance being heard at arbitration. We didn’t communicate the outcome of this mediation at that time as Rouge was non-operational, so we apologize for the delayed notice.

Effective the date of this Memorandum of Settlement:
• If more than three and one-half (3:30) hours before scheduled departure, a flight is forecasted to encroach on a flight attendant’s UDO the flight attendant will be given the option of not operating the pairing.
• Cabin Personnel will not be awarded a UDO the day following a pairing that is scheduled to end at or after 22:30.

If a flight is forecasted to encroach on a UDO more than 3:30 hours before scheduled departure, crew scheduling will contact the flight attendant to provide the following options:
(a) operating the pairing and accepting the encroachment on their UDO; or
(b) not operating the pairing, subject to the provision in this MOS.

Should a crew member choose to not operate the pairing, they will be reassigned in accordance with article L55.15.07.

To review this MOS in its entirety, please click HERE.

In solidarity,

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