days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Surplus Update 12

There have been multiple things happening this week, and we wanted to update you on a few of them below.

Mainline Cash Advances
As we have been fielding many questions on the cash advances for all members, we wanted to advise you of the following that the Company will be putting into place for May 1, 2020 cash advance.

If you have opted to take the CEWS program, you will not receive a cash advance if you fall into the following categories:

– Service Director’s forecasted to earn less than $2,100.00
– Flight Attendant’s forecasted to earn less than $1,400.00

All other employees will maintain the regular cash advance amounts.  To further clarify, if you are earning more than the above amounts OR you are actively flying (block or reserve) you will maintain your standard cash advance on the 1st of the month.

Rouge Cash Advances
For our Rouge members, the Company has advised that your cash advance will be $700 while you are in receipt of CEWS benefits.

Claimed CERB and now on CEWS
We have heard from many members asking what to do with your CERB “over payment” now that you are on the CEWS program.  Below you will find the link that will take you to where you can go to get this question answered, based on your circumstances:

Mitigations beyond June 5, 2020
The Component Executive will be meeting with Air Canada on May 1, 2020 to discuss the future plans with regards to mitigations and staffing levels for Mainline and Rouge.  Once we have more information we will keep everyone posted.

Meeting Jon Turner, VP In-Flight Service and President Rouge Operations
We are looking forward to meeting with Jon, virtually, this week, to give introductions and a welcome into the Mainline IFS branch.  As many of you know, Renee Smith-Valade has departed after many years and the Union is looking forward to starting a new chapter with Senior Management at In-Flight.

Referendum Vote
Please remember that the referendum vote on the Temporary Union Dues reduction for two months will be opening this Friday, we strongly encourage everyone to vote in favour.

Your Component Officers have been very busy working on a multitude of issues; however, we are still available to assist when you reach out.  Please continue to contact us as needed, this is how we know what the pulse is online.

In solidarity,

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