days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Surplus Update 7

Please see the brief update below:

CEWS Program Update
The Union had hoped to have a detailed Q&A released today regarding the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) and how it would apply to our members. However, the legislation to implement the subsidy hasn’t been passed by the House of Commons yet so there may be some changes or additions that would be relevant. The House of Commons will be having a special sitting tomorrow in order to debate the legislation, which should allow us to provide you further details shortly. We want to be sure to have as many questions answered by the Q & A document, allowing you to clearly know your next step, so again we appreciate your patience with this.

Commuter Update
Please note that on our APP, under “Member Resources” you can find Air Canada Component negotiated hotel rates.  Many of the standard hotels are not functioning during the current COVID-19 climate, that is listed as well.

PPE Equipment – Personal re-useable thermometers available now.
It is being recommended that you take your temperature twice a day (morning and evening). Fever means having a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius (100.4 degrees Fahrenheit) or higher. The company has secured a limited supply of 1,000 personal re-usable thermometers and they are available in crew centres now. The personal thermometer is re-usable and instructions on how to use, clean and carefully store it are included.

In solidarity,

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