days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Survey Update

Thank you so much to those who have taken the time to highlight concerns and provide feedback. This new format needed some tweaks and your input has been invaluable.
We wanted to share a few facts and pointers:

1. You can enter and exit the survey to complete in more than one session (if you have not already completed it in full and submitted). Clear instructions are on the first page on how to do so.

2. We have had a decent response rate but still encourage people to fill it out! This is your opportunity to be heard. Reminders will be emailed out in the new year prior to the survey closure date.

3. You can choose as many or as few options as you like within each question.

4. If you have any issues with the survey or technical difficulties please send an email to

Happy Surveying!

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