days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

The Bylaw Committee Begins Its Mandate

Dear members,
This week, our newly-formed Component Bylaw Committee has begun its work as per the mandate given to them. Working together at the Component office in Etobicoke, Committee members have started to evaluate the many suggestions sent in by members, review the existing bylaws for any appropriate update, and outline the numerous priorities that could be addressed in any eventual changes.
CUPE National Component Representative Terri Nolan is meeting with Committee members to educate them about the process they will be adopting, and is available to help answer any questions they may have throughout their mandate.
If you haven’t already done so, please send in your suggestions for Bylaw modifications, additions or improvements to: Please make sure to include a clearly-worded explanation or reasoning behind your suggestions, to better allow the Committee to understand your proposition.
In solidarity,
Michel Cournoyer
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

Click HERE for a printable, and downloadable, version of this bulletin. 

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