days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

The Weekly Dispatch – Medical Absences

The Union has observed a recent increase in Unauthorized Absence Letters (UAA) being sent to members who have booked off sick. This generally occurs when a member is booked off as medically unfit for more than seven days but is not in receipt of Wage Indemnity (WIP/LTD) or Workers Compensation (WCB/CNESST) benefits.

As per ePub all absences must be approved. The purpose of this installment of the Weekly Dispatch is to ensure members are aware of the options available and the procedures to follow.

When one is booked off sick the first seven days are reflected as Sickness and are covered under overall sickness policies with pay protection from banked sick days. The employer may request substantiation in certain circumstances and a failure to substantiate may result in sick credits being revoked and a No Show for the sick days (up to seven days).

Following the seventh day (counting from the first flight missed – FFM or first Reserve day missed) members must apply for WIP. If they are not eligible for WIP, or if their WIP claim is denied, they will need to secure an alternate absence code such as Unpaid Medical Leave (as provided for under the Canada Labour Code) or Inability to Meet Medical Standards (IMMS). This is also the case should Manion close a claim and the member chooses not to appeal or their appeal is denied.

If the injury/illness occurred arising out of, linked with, or occurred in the course of employment the member should book off as injury/illness on duty and follow the procedures for a workers’ compensation claim.

There are three options available in the case where WIP or WCB/CNESST is denied, or a claim is closed before your treating Health Care Professional has determined you are fit to return to your regular duties. They are:

1. Appeal the denial or closing of your WIP or WCB/CNESST claim. Please be aware that there are timelines for appeals.

Information on WIP can be accessed via the Component website under resources – WIP Claim Forms & Return to Work Process:

Information on Workers Compensation can be accessed via your province’s workers compensation website.

2. Apply for an unpaid medical leave of up to 27 weeks as provided for under the Canada Labour Code by reaching out to your productivity manager or through eLeaves. You are entitled to medical leave protection of up to 27 weeks for illness or injury.

Information on the types of leaves available to employees working in federally regulated industries can be obtained through the following Government of Canada link:

3. Request an Invitation to Apply for IMMS (Inability to Meet Medical Standards) by reaching out to your productivity manager.

IMMS is an unpaid medical leave for up to three years available to cabin crew under the following criteria:

  • You have been declared to be medically unfit to continue your regular job; and
  • There is a reasonable probability that your health will improve such that you could return to your former occupation.

If you are medically fit to return to work, then you would contact Occupational Health to arrange for clearance to return to work. As mentioned, if you remain medically unfit to resume your duties, you can apply for either the unpaid medical leave or request an invitation to apply for IMMS.

In either case, it is important to understand that a No Show can result in discipline up to and including discharge and must be addressed.

Your Local office and officers remain available to answer any questions or concerns and to provide assistance and support.

Leave of Absence – Rouge
As per ePub all absences must be approved. The purpose of this installment of the Weekly Dispatch is to ensure members are aware of the options available and the procedures to follow.

The first 7 days of your book off are covered by your sick bank. Once you fall into short term disability, you can apply for benefits through Canada Life. This process is no longer mandatory and is up to you whether you choose to apply or not. Your productivity managers will reach out if you become eligible for Short Term Disability status. Once you fall into STD, whether you apply for benefits or not, you must substantiate your absence with Occupational Health Services.

If the injury/illness occurred arising out of, linked with, or occurred in the course of employment the member should book off as injury/illness on duty and follow the procedures for a workers’ compensation claim.

There are three options available in the case where STD or WCB/CNESST is denied, or a claim is closed before your treating Health Care Professional has determined you are fit to return to your regular duties. They are:

1. In the case where a Workers Compensation leave is denied, or a claim is closed you may appeal the denial or closing of your WCB/CNESST claim. Please be aware that there are timelines for appeals. Information on Workers Compensation can be accessed via your province’s workers compensation website.

2. If a Rouge member is denied and/or does not qualify for disability benefits, they can reach out to Occupational Health Services to request a medical leave. For this leave to be granted medical substantiation must be provided and support the absence.

3. Apply for an unpaid medical leave of up to 27 weeks as provided for under the Canada Labour Code by reaching out to your base manager. You are entitled to medical leave protection of up to 27 weeks for illness or injury.

Information on the types of leaves available to employees working in federally regulated industries can be obtained through the following Government of Canada link:

Your Local office and officers remain available to answer any questions or concerns and to provide assistance and support.

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