days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

The Weekly Dispatch – Passport and MOT Expiration Dates

There have been numerous instances in which members were removed from flight duty due to an expired passport or M.O.T. card. This can result in a great disruption to your schedule. We want to help members avoid the stress of this disruption with this update.

Your Restricted Area Identity Card (RAIC) card renewal takes time to get an appointment and to wait for the processing. We recommend that you are proactive when renewing it and being mindful of the expiry date. As you are likely aware your passport must be valid for at least six months prior to expiry. In addition to this when you get an appointment and bring your passport in for renewal it is rendered “void” at the time you apply for it at the Passport Office.

Passport information must be updated in Netline-CrewLink a minimum of 24 hours prior to the beginning of your next flight or next pairing; any attempt to update information within that 24-hour period will likely not work.

If you have any questions about these processes they can be found via these paths:
Mainline – Cabin Crew Performance & Operations Standards Manual > About You > Administration
Rouge – ePub > About You > Corporate Policies

It can be difficult to manage a busy schedule and to allow time for the processing of your new passport or R.A.I.C. card. If you are having difficulty with this process or having long delays, we recommend that you reach out to your local office for advice and support.

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