days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Travel Policy for Leave of Absences of Greater than One Year

Dear members,

The Union has recently concluded a Memorandum of Settlement over a long-standing policy grievance regarding the travel policy for members on approved leave of absences in excess of 365 days.
All employees on Company approved leave of absence will now have access to unlimited travel pass privileges for themselves and eligible family members regardless of the length of the duration of their leave.
Please be advised that while Manager approval is not required, members on medical leave will need to have the Fitness for Air Travel Form filled by their personal physician and submit it to Air Canada Medical Clinic (OHS) for approval.  Once approved, it is valid for a year unless medical information indicates that more frequent reviews are necessary.  Members are responsible to advise OHS of a change to their medical condition and to submit a new Fitness for Air Travel Form for a new condition.
The form and full details can be found on the Employee Travel website and HR Connex:
Travel Website/News & Policies/Employee on Company Approved Leave of Absence/Leave Policy
HR Connex/Policies & Forms/Forms & Reference Documents/My Travel

In solidarity,
Marie-Hélène Major
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

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