I’m excited to let you know that we have taken our fight to end unpaid work to the floor of the House of Commons. NDP MP Taylor Bachrach has sponsored an official House of Commons petition to fix the Canada Labour Code and make sure that when flight attendants – or any other workers – are at work, in uniform, performing work duties, they’re being paid.
This is an exciting opportunity to bring our message directly to the government in the House of Commons. Even more exciting is the Government of Canada will be required to respond with an official position on this critical issue within 45 days of the petition closing on July 6.
With that in mind, let’s make sure we make our case loud and clear and make sure they can’t ignore us. Let’s gather as many signatures for this petition as we can for the next 30 days.
Please sign the petition today and share widely across your networks!
In solidarity,
Wesley Lesosky
President, CUPE Airline Division