days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Update – CHQ-22-13 – In-charge (SD) Classification – Application of Wage Scale

As a follow up to the bulletin we issued on February 16, 2022, regarding this grievance (click HERE to view the bulletin), the Union would like to advise you that it has appealed the grievance to the last step of the grievance process, which is Arbitration.  The Union has been actively lobbying for a settlement on an ongoing basis (at Level 2 and at mediation). Despite this fact, we were not able to reach a resolution.

The Union believes the company is in violation of Article 5.06.01 by not recognizing our Rouge colleagues with 5 years of completed service, who have flown through to mainline, for the purposes of SD pay.  They should be paid Level II SD pay.

5.06.01 Where a Flight Attendant moves into the In-Charge classification, s/he will be placed in LEVEL I of the Purser wage scale, as applicable with the following exception:

EXCEPTION: Flight Attendants with more than five (5) years of completed service will be placed in Level II.

Once a date has been confirmed for arbitration, we will communicate it to you.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

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