UPDATE – COVID-19 & The Wage Indemnity Program (WIP)

(This applies to Air Canada Mainline only)

For all COVID-19 only related claims Manion/SSQ will require the attached form be completed instead of the Attending Physician Statement. This is in an effort to decrease the demands of the health care system. We still require the Claimants and Employer statement of earnings to be completed as well.  Note: the Employer’s statement is sent to Manion automatically after day 15 from your first flight missed. The attached form is only for COVID-19 cases and is to be filled out by the member and submitted to Manion for processing should you continue to be off work after 14 days from your first flight missed.

NOTE: There are 3 different types of elimination periods – Sickness, Hospital or Accident. For our WIP plan they all have a 14-day waiting (elimination) period. SSQ has asked us to use the hospital elimination period for any COVID-19 related claims. Members don’t actually have to be hospitalized, It just means that for COVID-19 cases members may use this form (Click here to download the simplified form), that they are required to fill out rather than your physician.

We have been advised by SSQ to use this hospital elimination period/form of 14 days for all COVID-19 claims. Most cases shouldn’t extend beyond the 14-day elimination period, however if you continue to be disabled, then you must apply for WIP. Manion will also need a copy of the blood work, sputum test or any other acceptable medical evidence confirming the diagnosis as determined by your physician. Manion can request this on the member’s behalf or you can send it in for review if you have that information on hand.

WIP will not be covering cases for people who are NOT sick and are in self quarantine as prevention.

NOTE: For those that are in quarantine from the Company’s directive, this falls under a work related claim.

Please note, to ensure your application is received during this fluid movement and possible shut down of business, it is best that you email your WIP application form to Manion at

For regular WIP claims the usual WIP application found on the website is to be used.

COVID-19 And Your Short Term Disability Program

Considering the latest developments on COVID-19, SSQ Insurance has revised its position.

Short-Term Disability benefits
All disability claims related to COVID-19 will be treated in accordance with the terms of your short-term disability plan.

Is an employee in quarantine covered by the Short-Term Disability benefits?
In cases where the insured person presents incapacitating symptoms of COVID-19, SSQ Insurance will cover the disability, as per the rules of your contract.

Do we need to provide all the documentation normally requested?
In order to limit the traffic in clinics and hospitals, SSQ Insurance will accept the simplified form as medical information.

Click here to download the simplified form.

On Behalf of The Board of Trust,

Stephen Morash
Administrative Consultant

NOTE:  All Policy Booklet information can be accessed on the Air Canada Component of CUPE web site or on the Mobile App.

Manion, Wilkins & Associates
Plan Administration
626-21 Four Seasons Place
Etobicoke, Ontario
M9B 0A6

Switchboard: 416-234-5044
Toll Free Line:  1-800-663-7849
Fax: 416-234-0127
Contact Centre: 1-866-532-8999

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