days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Update – Negotiated Onboard Rest Times – Long Range Flying

On December 22, 2022, the Company issued an updated Onboard Crew Breaks/Rest ePub PDF.  The PDF contains a long-range flying chart outlining the rest periods for B14, LOU18, LOU22 A/B. The Component Crew Rest Committee recommends that members reference Union bulletins and communiqués such as the long-range flying chart (CLICK HERE) or the November Crew Rest Committee Bulletin (CLICK HERE).  We have aligned them here for clarity and convenience.

When determining your onboard rest period, only the rest period(s) that have been negotiated for the article/LOU that has been assigned/designated to your flight, should be referenced.  For greater clarity, if your pairing has been assigned/designated as LOU 22B, your onboard rest will either be 5.0hrs or 5.5hrs (the negotiated rest periods for LOU 22B).

Please continue to reach out, and if you have crew rest issues, please reach out to your Local to have the issues addressed in a timely manner.

In Solidarity,

Component Crew Rest Committee

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